& Advisory
Terms of Service
As your Accountant/Tax Agent/Bookkeeper/
BAS Agent we will;
Maintain your accounting and software systems in line with your current business operations and business structure;
Analyse, discuss and prepare recommendations regarding your accounting records and financial affairs;
Prepare and lodge activity statements & tax returns, review assessments and advice on procedures and actions where necessary;
Undertake other works as agreed in line with compliance and operational requirements of your business.
You are reminded that;
Unless we are otherwise engaged to do so, this engagement cannot be relied upon to detect or otherwise disclose irregularities (such as fraud, illegalities or the errors of other parties);
Any advice we provide is only an opinion based on our knowledge of your particular circumstances;
You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the particulars and information provided to us by you; and
You have obligations under the self-assessment regime to keep full and proper records in order to facilitate the preparation of accurate returns.
Terms of Engagement
The professional fees for the services provided will be based on the time and skill required to complete the nominated tasks and will include an as an additional item out of pocket expenses and statutory charges, unless otherwise agreed.
The standard professional fees exclusive of GST and for current rates and charges please contact jane@jjaa.com.au
A minimum fee may be charged for statutory lodgements and compliance works were ongoing works are not engaged.
For ongoing weekly and monthly engagements a flat fee will be charged and you will only be charged for the time spent on your file.
A set weekly or monthly fee can be charged if required but can only be determined after 3 months of work has been performed to ensure accuracy of the quote. This will then be reviewed annually.
Please note our hourly rates are reviewed annually & subject to change. Please email jane@jjaa.com.au for confirmation of our current hourly rates.
Terms of Payment
Accounts are send at the completion of the month and or for 1 off engagements at the completion of works.
Payment terms are 14 days from the date of invoice. Should the account remain unpaid by the due date, we reserve the right to charge compound interest of 2% on the balance of the bill.
We reserve the right to stop work if you fail to make payment when and as it falls due.
Any debts beyond 60 days, unless a prior payment arrangement has been entered into to, will be referred to a debt collection agency and any costs associated in recovering the debt will be passes onto to you.
Utilisation of other workers
Employees or contractors may be utilised to help complete the agreed work as required. The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers Code of Conduct binds all representatives of JJA Advisory Pty Ltd, which is inclusive of confidentiality agreements as per the Terms of Engagement in this document.
Confidentiality Clause
Any information and all matters connected with and relating to your business and its performance are confidential and we shall not disclose them to any other person/entity unless authorised to do so in writing. This includes the ATO and your accountant.
Privacy Statement
We are bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act to maintain all your records securely and in accordance with the provisions of that Act. Any breach of these requirements should be notified to the Privacy Commissioner. Please see our privacy policy available on request.
We may also be required to collect and disclose data to and from a third part in which case we will only do as permitted or required by law. By engaging our services you authorise us to collect and disclose your personal information to the following organisation where we consider it appropriate to do so and in good faith. Government agencies, regulatory bodies, your bank and financial institutions, credit history, associated members of a group where necessary to do so, Legal, financial advisors, and other agents and brokers whose services you engage, agents, third part contractors, auditors and professional advisors we engage to assist us in performing our work and if there is a change of control in one of our businesses, client information which may include your personal data, could be disclosed to potential purchaser under a confidentiality agreement.
We may store your personal information both electronically and hard copy in out office, off site storage systems, computer databases and cloud storage some of which may use offshore storage facilities. We use a variety of physical and electronic security measures to protect the privacy of our clients such as restricting access to our office, firewalls, antivirus software, login & password protection, secure databases etc. We take all reasonable care to safeguard your personal information from misuse, interference and loss from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. Reasonable steps are taken to destroy and remove identification of personal information when it is no longer required.
Payroll Matters
JJA Advisory is engaged to assist the business with all aspects of managing and administering the payments to all employees. We will ensure payments are in accordance with FairWork requirements and will advise the business owners of any concerns or changes that may impact the business. If the business is in breach of FairWork provisions, we will immediately notify you and discuss this. We note that we will not continue our engagement with you if the business continues to be in breach of the law after receiving our information and advice.
You must keep us informed of your current business details including address, phone and email address. We are engaged and authorised to work with your business by the people named above and any changes to your personnel and their respective authorisations that change the performance of our work for you should be advised to us.
Lodgement of information with ATO
A requirement of law is that you will be provided with an authorisation for all lodgements required by the ATO including BAS lodgement, Payment Summaries, Single Touch Payroll lodgement and TPAR reports (if applicable). Lodgement of all forms will follow our receipt of that authorisation. Email authorisation is acceptable. Failure to lodge on time can incur a fine and this will be your responsibility to pay if the authorisation has not been received by us.
Review of documentation
The responsibility for reviewing final reports and/or work rests with you.
You will not be charged to correct errors which are clearly our fault, but revisions performed at your request may require discussion on any time incurred.
Previous Returns / Accountant / Bookkeeper
It is noted that we are not engaged to review the accuracy of previous returns lodged for your organisation by yourself or your precious accounts/tax advisor. You have warranted the reliance can be placed on the balance sheet and other financial records presented by you for this purpose. Where errors are suspected in previous works we will advise you in writing and review works where directed.
As a matter of professional courtesy, and in line with professional standards, we will need to inform your previous accountant/bookkeeper that we have been engaged by you as your new accountant and to receive from them any outstanding matters and files.
Client’s disclosure and record keeping obligations
Responsibility for the maintenance of business records rests with you, (client/business owner); this includes security of those records and prevention against fraud. It is important to remember that you are personally responsible for the information contained in any statutory return and that you must retain all necessary supporting documentation to substantiate the transactions.
You are required by law to keep full and accurate records relating to your tax affairs. It is your obligation to provide us with all the information that would be reasonably expected and necessary to allow us to perform the work contemplated under the engagement with a timely manner or as requested.
It is also important to state that as a BAS Agent/Bookkeeper, if we are advised in writing by yourself that you have copies of the invoices and the GST is applicable, we will process on the basis that you have the correct records.
While we will perform local backups of bookkeeping work for our own records, you should ensure all your business electronic data is backed up securely.
Destruction of Documents and Files
Upon our request either during our engagement or following its termination, you must collect your property without delay which will be released to you once our accounts are paid. Should any of your property remain in our possession following our request to collect it, we will hold the property for three months before destroying it in accordance with the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012.
We aim to provide the highest standard of professional service and are focused on the concerns of your business clients. If for any reason you feel you have not received the level of service expected or have an issue to raise, please contact myself to discuss how the problem may be resolved.
Furthermore, as a Member of the Institute for Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) and CPA Australia, I am subject to the ethical requirements of both ICB and CPA Australia and its investigations and disciplinary processes. These requirements cover issues such as Code of Conduct and ethics, adherence to bookkeeping and accounting standards, requirements to undertake continued professional education. Should there be an issue regarding the ethical or business practices of myself or my company, you may refer such matters to ICB or CPA Australia.
Working Standards
When working onsite we expect a reasonable working environment which includes a safety regulated chair, office space and non-smoking area.
You agree to us indemnify us for any loss that may result from third party claims arising from the provisions of the services. If there is a claim against us for loss, the loss will be proportionately reduced by the extent of your contribution to the loss.
Phone Support
A charge will apply when extended phone support is given.
Right of Lien
We have a right of lien on records and business data, that is, we reserve the right to hold records and data against any outstanding debts. Note this will only apply to records and data that has been worked on but for which payment is outstanding.